Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Unexpected Stroll

I found myself taking an unexpected stroll this afternoon. Beautiful time of day, little traffic. I was eager to let my thoughts wander. I love asking nature for signs. Ha! Ask and you shall receive. Not just a kinolau (God in nature) sign but a bumper sticker put on a reflector. Don't Postpone Joy. Thank you whoever put that there.


I noticed a positive shift in a teenager I know recently. I wasn't sure what had exactly happened to inspire this change. A couple days passed and my aunt mentioned an incident that happened at church the prior Sunday.

It was church Sunday. Upon arriving at the church, an obvious homeless man was lying on the steps of the church in tattered old blankets. His hair was ratty and shoes all torn. One by one as the church goers got closer to the entrance they all stepped around him and entered. This continued until the church was full. When everyone was seated the homeless man entered the church as well. He began walking down the center of the aisle and started taking off the old blankets letting them drop to the floor. As he reached the front of the church her turned around and took off a wig. Their pastor stood in front of them and said, "Guess what we are talking about today?"

This teenage I knew before was changed forever.